Jehovah witness meaning
Jehovah witness meaning

jehovah witness meaning

I think the only familiarity most Americans have with Jehovah's Witnesses - what they've been told when witnesses go door to door, trying to convert people. She now lives in New York.Īmber Scorah, welcome to FRESH AIR. She was shunned, officially considered an apostate, which meant family and friends within the faith were obligated to stop communicating with her. As a result, elders shut her out of the religion. She started challenging the lower position of women in the faith. While in China, she started questioning the dogma she was taught, that she was now trying to teach others. Then she went to China, where the religion is outlawed, and tried to missionize there. In her hometown, Vancouver, Canada, she knocked on doors missionizing, armed with copies of the Witness' publication, "The Watchtower," trying to warn people that Armageddon was imminent, and they would soon die and leave no trace behind unless they converted. The essay was adapted from Scorah's new memoir, "Leaving The Witness," about her life as a third-generation Jehovah's Witness. That essay, by my guest, Amber Scorah, is about the shocking loss of her 4-month-old baby boy and then grieving without the reassurances and answers that her former faith would have provided. It read "Surviving The Death Of My Son After Surviving The Death Of My Faith" (ph). I want to read you the headline of an op-ed in The New York Times that recently caught my attention. This is because the Bible makes it clear that human beings do not have an immortal soul that survives when the body dies.This is FRESH AIR. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that when a person dies, their existence completely stops. Modern Witnesses regard the Cross as a pagan symbol and do not use it, although it was accepted by the movement until 1931.

jehovah witness meaning

This belief is based on the Greek words used in the Bible for the cross, which literally translate as 'stake' and 'tree'. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus did not die on a cross but on single stake.

  • The doctrine of the Trinity contradicts what the prophets, Jesus, the apostles, and the early Christians believed and taught.
  • The doctrine of the Trinity is inconsistent with the Bible.
  • The traditional Christian idea that God is a ' Trinity' of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is false and based on pagan ideas.
  • The holy spirit is not part of a Trinity.
  • The holy spirit is Jehovah's active force that he uses to accomplish his will.
  • Jesus Christ will be used by God to resurrect the dead.
  • Jesus Christ has been appointed by God to judge each human being and decide on their fate.
  • Witnesses believe that Jesus had a spirit resurrection, not a bodily one.
  • Witnesses believe that Jesus did not die on a cross but on a single pole or stake.
  • Jesus Christ gave his human life as a sacrifice to make human salvation possible.
  • When Jesus was on earth he was a perfect human being, but he was not divine in any way.
  • Jesus Christ is the Messiah predicted in the Old Testament.
  • Jesus Christ rules as part of God's heavenly kingdom.
  • Jesus Christ is inferior to Jehovah, but superior to the angels.
  • So Jesus had a beginning and thus cannot not be eternal.
  • Jesus Christ was created by Jehovah as his first creation.
  • Jesus Christ never thought of himself as God or equal to God.
  • Jesus Christ is not equal to God in power or eternity (i.e.
  • Jesus Christ is a lesser and separate spirit being.
  • Jesus Christ is a mighty being, but he is not God.
  • Jehovah's outstanding qualities are love, justice, wisdom, and power.
  • Jehovah then created everything else through Jesus Christ.
  • Jehovah is alone, and above all other beings.
  • they also accept the name Yahweh and other transliterations.
  • God is a single being whose personal name is Jehovah.
  • The Jehovah's Witness beliefs about God are outlined in detail below.
  • The Holy Spirit is not a person it is God's active force.
  • Jesus Christ is his firstborn son, is inferior to God, and was created by God.
  • God the Father (whose name is Jehovah) is "the only true God".
  • Charles Taze Russell's books Studies in Scriptures are respected but are no longer circulated or relied upon. While they don't regard them as scripture, Witnesses greatly respect the various doctrinal articles published in The Watchtower.

    jehovah witness meaning

    They refer to the 'New Testament' as the Christian Greek Scriptures, and they call the 'Old Testament' the Hebrew Scriptures. The Witnesses have their own translation of the Bible - the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.

    Jehovah witness meaning